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Embodying The Power of Your Aliveness 

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Photography by: Leslee R Goldstein



For over 20 years, I consistently engaged in personal growth and spiritual work hoping to feel better before realizing I had to deal with my early traumas (unwanted birth, neglect, immigration, parental discord, etc.).


With my trauma therapist's encouragement and vetting, I was accepted with just an undergrad in psychology into the NARM therapist level training in one of the earlier cohorts, then advanced to NARM Masters level. 



The Gift of My Life's Work

Although NARM is a psychotherapy model, it is  grounded in spiritual Presence, heartfulness and reconnection to our life force energy.  


I feel blessed to have access to this leading-edge modality to support clients to align with their wholeness and aliveness.


I've continued to expand my skills in NARM as well as with other modalities.  Below is a list. 



I have completed training programs with the following trauma experts:

  • Dr. Laurence Heller’s NeuroAffective Relational Model™ (NARM). Completed Level 2 and the Master Class level- both are only open to therapists.

  • Dr. Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing™ (SE).  Completed 3 year SEP level. I'm also an assistant.

  • Dr. Raja Selvam’s Integral Somatic Psychology™ (ISP). 1 year certified.

  • Kathy L Kain, PhD & Stephen J Terrell PsyD's Somatic Resilience Regulation (SRR). 

  • Stephen J Terrell PsyD's Transforming Intentional Touch (TEB).  Completed 1 year program. 

Other trainings & programs include the following: 

  • Jim Feil, DC, RPP, BCST, Pulsatory/Formative Intelligence Method (4 days)

  • Dr. Peter Levine's Master Class on Chronic Pain & Syndromes (4 days)

  • Castellino Training Sequencing & Imprints (Pre-perinatal) Tara Blasco PhD & Mary Jackson (4 days)

  • Dr. Abi Blakeslee & Dave Berger, MFT, PT, LCMHC, MA, SEP,  Relationship Development, Rupture and Repair: A Somatic Developmental Perspective (4 days)

  • Linda Thai: Certificate in Somatic Strategies

  • HeartMath: The Resilient Heart™Trauma-sensitive program

I also finished a two-year spiritual counseling training with One Spirit Interfaith NYC and am certified by the American Institute of Health Care Professionals. Involved with Miranda Macpherson psycho-spiritual work (fill out...)


My academic degrees include an undergraduate degree in psychology from Simon Fraser University, British Columbia.

"Grace is always present. You imagine it is something somewhere high in the sky, far away, and has to descend. 


 It is really inside you, in your Heart.." 


Ramana Maharshi

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